Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pushup Competition

Sorry, fans. Nothing new here over the past few days. I was too busy doing pushups because I needed to take down Randy Orton.

This morning I had a simple breakfast - one big Grapefruit and some toast. Grapefruits are those big fruits you see at the store. Inside they are sort of like an orange, only a little more sour. I sprinkle a little sugar on top to make it more sweet. They're loaded with Vitamin C, and they're fun to eat. You have to be careful when you put your spoon in, or grapefruit juice will shoot all over. When I make toast, I always buy wheat bread. White toast isn't good for you at all - it's too plain, and it doesn't have anything to help your muscles. Wheat toast tastes better, too.

Randy and I are having our pushup competition tonight. Most pushups in 5 minutes. I can do 65 pushups an hour, but I get tired near the end. Not like this kid: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/photo/2006-07/27/content_651249_2.htm
I bet he never gets tired. He's proof - if you eat right, and do your pushups, you will get BIG, even if you're only 6 years old!

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