Monday, March 5, 2007

Thank you/Note on getting BIG

One of my fans, Biagy, posted a note wishing me luck against Shawn Michaels. Thanks for the good wishes, Biagy. It will be a good match. When I was younger, the Showstopper was one of my heroes. I'm sure HBK is planning to line me up for some Sweet Chin Music, but I promise you that all he's going to hear are sour notes.

That's all I'm going to say about that, though. I appreciate the support but there are lots of other websites my fans can check out for wrestling talk. This one is all about breakfast, eating well, and getting BIG. That's the stuff I'll talk about on here.

So it makes me happy to hear my fan has been out running. I don't really like to run much or ride a bike for hours because lifting and flexing makes me happiest. But running must make him happy so he should keep doing it. I've said it before, but I'll say it here too: Don't do anything you don't like because this should be fun. If you want to get stronger, but you don't like lifting weights, don't lift weights. You don't necessarily have to work out in a gym to get healthy.

That's what I mean by getting BIG. Being BIG is when you match your talent with strength and training to be the best. You might not ever get muscles as big as mine, but still end up just as BIG. I can't do what D-Wade does in the NBA, Derek Jeter does with a baseball, or Tiki Barber does in the NFL. And if one of them ever steppped in the ring with me, they'd get hurt. But we're all BIG, because we are the strongest at what we do. So if you like to play basketball, play basketball. If you like to run, then run. Heck, if you like to jump rope, then jump as much rope as possible. If you want to be BIG you have to train hard and eat well.


Anonymous said...

thank you jhon cena for giving me an example for lifting weight flexing and praticing moves

Anonymous said...

john cena you are right i should lift weight flex and practice moves thanks. in the morning i eat banana pancakes also i drink a orange juice just like you so i can get big and strong what i do for exersise is borrow my neighbors wieght and then i start lifting also john when i went to google i saw you with the wwe champion thats how i know you are strong.from biagy

Anonymous said...

i will always be there to watch your shows and wrestling matches