As you could probably tell from my last breakfast, I really love pancakes. If I could, I would eat pancakes every day. You would too, if you ever were lucky enough to eat some of the pancakes I make. Once I even got them to go with my burger, instead of fries.
Unfortunately, you can't just eat pancakes all the time. You would definitely get big, but you wouldn't get BIG. You know what I mean? You certainly wouldn't be too strong. You'd be one of those fake big people who seem big but are softer than your pillow. When I'm practicing my moves, I always hate doing an F-U on one of those guys. I have to slam them quick before I get trapped by all the jiggle.
So how can you get truly BIG if you're eating breakfast every day but can't always have delicious pancakes?
I do two things:
1. I make sure I always try to change up what I'm eating. Sometimes I'm in a hurry and so I have the same thing for a few days in a row, but I never eat the same thing over and over again. Your body needs a lot of different kinds of fuel. And eating the same thing over and over again gets boring.
2. I make sure I eat a lot of fruits and dairy. When I'm not eating pancakes, one of my favorite breakfasts is to have yogurt with some fruit. Yogurt might seem strange if you've never had it before. When I ate it as a kid in West Newbury, one kid even made fun of me for having such a "girly" breakfast. Well, he made fun of me until I treated him to my first spinebuster!
Anyway, yogurt is an awesome superfood for breakfast because it has more calcium than a glass of milk, which means it will grow your bones. If you're BIG like me, you need to have big, strong bones to wrestle and carry all that muscle around without breaking. Yogurt also has potassium, just like bananas, so you can lift and flex without hurting after you finish. Yogurt even has a lot of protein, which will help your body build muscle. This is the muscle you need to become big. Best of all, yogurt doesn't take any time to prepare in the morning and you can eat it while you're walking. I like to eat plain, non-fat yogurt with pieces of banana or apple that I've cut up and stirred in.
If I can't get any yogurt, I make sure I at least drink a glass of milk in the morning to help my bones stay strong. Again, if you're not used to eating it, it might seem funny at first. But trust me: I would never have been able to get big without it. Drink milk, and eat some cheese or yogurt. Don't ignore your dairy!